K-man 大哥,小弟这里只是借用自由论坛之便高坛阔论一下, 没有 有意去误导其他在加纳寻找商机的华人进路错误的从商之旅的想法。 只是随意的制造点话题供大家娱乐,探讨,交流观点。chineseinafrica. com 本来就是提供给非洲华人有一个交流的平台。 所以呢, 大家尽量 随便点。 I've given those topics and ideas 2 u guys just for fun, so u guys just take it easy and have fun from them. I think this website is good for people who are staying in Africa or Ghana. Then we a have good "place" to discuss and communicate with each other. Anyway, we just use this opportunity showing our opinions and concepts to everybody in Ghana. No matter what other people talk about, being respect and giving a good feedback to them. So, I am hereby to say that everyone should have fun and I hope u guys ( Chinese who are in Ghana) can make money as much as possible. By the way, happy Apil fool's day to all the chinese. loooooooooolll