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[原创] 这些评论让我气急败坏,哭笑不得!!! [复制链接]

发表于 2008-5-20 06:50:30 |显示全部楼层
在facebook上(www.facebook.com) 有个group“群” 叫"free tibet" (在facebook上的"group" 输入"free tibet" 就能看到) 看了这个群的宗旨后,差点没把我气死:

(原文原话)“that 48 years ago the Chinese government seized Tibet by force and killed many Tibetans. This was followed by 48 years of persecution by the Chinese government. China conducted forced abortions on Tibetan women to prevent the birth of Tibetans. Paid and forced Chinese citizens to move to Tibet and hence exterminate the Tibetan culture. China has been conducting a genocide for the past 60 years and all the world has done is watch. It is time to take action. How can the olympics, a symbol of peace and fraternity be held in a country which is conducting a genocide”   气的我都生马拉里了!  

其中200多名members 公开表示支持西藏独立!
在其他几个中国人中的爱国群中,居然也掺假了些无知“老外‘, 发表了些尖酸评论! 这群人中还有少数chinese!  真想一榔头抡死他们!


at 9:31am on May 17th, 2008
Well said Nick. However I wouldn't say that all the Free Tibet supporters are like that. But it's not rare to read this kind of comments.

NB for Josh Tine: There are a lot of Tibetans in Sichuan. I guess you didn't know that.
Nick Zhou (Ohio State) wrote
at 8:32am on May 17th, 2008
Now we know what kind of people are supporting groups like "Free Tibet." They are people like Josh Tine - People without sympathy and heart. With people like him, their campaigns based on lies are going nowhere.
Nick Zhou (Ohio State) wrote
at 8:29am on May 17th, 2008
Josh Tine,

Here is what you said about the horrible earthquake in China:

"what goes round comes ... KARMA ..... look at the earthquake ... even nature is against the olympics .."

This only proves one thing:


Do we care what you think and say? NO!!! We needn't waste time with you in this group!
Guillaume Denis (China) wrote
at 3:14pm on May 16th, 2008
You don't know shit so please... I'm sure you don't know anything about China and what is going on there. Genocide? what a joke. Extermination of the tibetan culture? let me laugh.
Josh Tine wrote
at 11:36am on May 16th, 2008
the yopunger Chinese ppl dont understand it all all its like they have been brainwashed ... TIBET is not CHINA get it ....
Josh Tine wrote
at 11:35am on May 16th, 2008
this is the websit of a group which named Free Tibet. plz join the group ... it says that 48 years ago the Chinese government seized Tibet by force and killed many Tibetans. This was followed by 48 years of persecution by the Chinese government. China conducted forced abortions on Tibetan women to prevent the birth of Tibetans. Paid and forced Chinese citizens to move to Tibet and hence exterminate the Tibetan culture. China has been conducting a genocide for the past 60 years and all the world has done is watch. It is time to take action. How can the olympics, a symbol of peace and fraternity be held in a country which is conducting a genocide? ... this is tatolly TRUE man!!!
Josh Tine wrote
at 11:34am on May 16th, 2008
what goes round comes ... KARMA ..... look at the earthquake ... even nature is against the olympics ..
Guillaume Denis (China) wrote
at 9:37am on May 16th, 2008
It's impossible to convince them that they are wrong. We all know that most of them don't know shit about China. Plus they don't want to have any debate. They just keep saying bullshit again and again... what can we do?

这些垃圾鬼佬的评论真是一派胡言,语无伦次!  我呼吁有facebook帐号的网友抵制此类groups(我知道这种群有好几百个,抵制一个是一个), 没有的申请个,再抵制!  请把这篇转发到其他论坛, 希望让更多的人了解中国, 了解奥运和西藏。 

发表于 2008-5-20 19:11:51 |显示全部楼层





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