发表于 2009-7-23 19:02:18
今天早上我来Makola上班,车子过ECG(East Station)路口时,又被AMA(阿克拉市政府)的人给拦下来了。我知道这帮鸟人又是没事来查乱穿黄灯的,可我是绿灯过的啊。我停车摇下车窗,就质问他想干什么?(这种时候要有气势)
K: What do you want to do?(不用很客气)
A: You don’t want to help us?
K: ? (老实说,我不明白他的意思)
A: You no see the red light?(很多加纳英文呢,都是没有受过教育的土黑人)
K: I passed the green light. (这时我火气已经上来了,看来这帮人就是没事找事了)
A: The Law will determine whether you pass the red light or green light.
K: Produce your prove!
A: Do you want to challenge me?(这是加纳人经常用的词)
K: I said, I passed the green light!! (此时俺已经被激怒了)
A: Give me your driver’s license.
K: For want?
A: I will send you to court.(这种笑话也来吓唬我?)
K: No! Don’t talk to me like this if this country has the law(我经常这样刹住他们)
A: You are the last car passed the traffic light. (这下被我抓到把柄了,原来他根本不知道我是否真的穿没穿红灯)
K: There are two more cars followed me, why don’t you go to arrest them?
A: You small boy no show respect. (什么叫尊重啊,尊重是双向的。这句话他露出马脚来了)
K: You fucking people only knows to chop money, what hell else you can do?
A: You no respect. (他开始结巴了)
K: I warn you, don’t stop my car again, you understand?!
A: You talk to me like this?(他肯定没有想到我会这么说)
K: 再次指着他的鼻子说:Yeah, YOU! FUCK YOU!!!
十几年了,在ECG这个口子上面我遇到太多次了类此的情况了,都是没事找事的人,所以一点都不要对他们客气,做人不能低三下四,因为我们每个人都代表着中国! |