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特写:“中华美食文化周”在科特迪瓦 [复制链接]

发表于 2007-3-20 13:02:00 |显示全部楼层
新华网阿比让2月18日电(记者黄伟)喜庆的灯笼、欢快的民乐、色香味俱全的中国美食以及淡雅清香的绿茶……适逢中国春节到来之际,正在科特迪瓦经济首都阿比让举办的“中华美食文化周”让当地民众第一次体味到了源远流长的中国春节文化。     由中国驻科特迪瓦大使馆主办的此次“中华美食文化周”在阿比让高尔夫饭店举办,这里也因此成了一座“中国城”。围墙披上了喜庆的红绸子,写有“中华美食文化周”和倒写的“福”字;门前中科两国国旗迎风飘扬;花园广告牌换成了红色的“中国龙”;而饭店入口处则被装饰成中国式的宫殿造型。饭店内更是被喜庆的门神、烫金的“春”字以及富有中国特色的剪纸装饰一新,加之中国传统手工艺品挂满大厅,空气中洋溢着一种浓浓的中国年味。     负责此次活动餐饮的张雪梅介绍,为办好此次文化周,中方除提供各种风味的中国美食外,还将组织中国茶沙龙、中国图片展等活动,以此让科特迪瓦人民更好地了解中国。     来自阿比让的广告商人约罗说,得知“中华美食文化周”在阿比让举行,又适逢中国春节,因此特地赶来感受一下中国文化。他指着自己刚点的饺子和春卷说:“现在我知道中国人过年要吃饺子,而且会把一枚硬币包在饺子里,吃到的人来年会交好运,这很有意思!”     来自喀麦隆的小伙子捷盖现在北京航空航天大学上学,这次他来阿比让探望朋友,听说“中华美食文化周”举行,二话不说便赶来了。他用流利的中文对记者说,在北京3年多,对中国的一切都感到十分亲切,而中国美食也一直让他念念不忘,没想到这次在非洲还能尝到地道的中国菜,特别是赶上春节,感觉像回到了中国一样。     来自阿比让的画家马蒂尔德·莫罗女士曾在北京学习中文和美术,对中国文化赞赏不已。她说,中国的美食文化和春节文化同样博大精深,是中国悠久灿烂文明的重要组成部分。此次”中华饮食文化周“适逢中国春节,科特迪瓦国家电视台此前播出了有关中国春节的纪录片,这些对促进科特迪瓦民众了解中国文化都很有帮助。她对记者开玩笑说:“看来,我回家得给儿子压岁钱了!”     中国驻科特迪瓦大使马志学说,在此举办“中华美食文化周”是一次成功的尝试。随着中国国力的增强,中国文化也越来越多地受到世界的关注。     阿比让高尔夫饭店的负责人告诉记者,“中华美食文化周”使饭店的营业额比平常增长了数倍。他说:“有中国美食陪伴我们过春节,相信好运将一直伴随我们一整年!”

[ 本帖最后由 meilitianshi 于 2007-3-20 13:04 编辑 ]

发表于 2012-3-20 07:58:46 |显示全部楼层

Miss Perfect - Lyrics Lyrics to Miss Perfect Get

i love you baby
soul and partner
you take the breath from me
make my life heavenly
i can't believe the way the good lord is blessin' me
one in a million, mother of my children
me without you like car without engine
you listen to my dreams that i vision
respect that i smoke mary jane, it's like my religion
the pigeons, sometimes make you worry
but i can see, you know my vision ain't blurry
the innocence, still strong like a feminist
i reminisce,lunette carrera, on the first time we ever kissed
in the devilish world you my only angel
cancel concerts to stay with you and watch cable
kiss your navel,lunette carrera pas cher, candlelights on the table
you never cared if i was financially stable
12 years, to me it feels like 12 minutes
my love for you, sees no limits
where would i be without you?
i know i wouldn't be rappin' into soundproof
i know i wouldn't be pushin' a benz
i'd probably be gettin' transferred,carrera lunettes, to different pens
or chillin' with my dead friends
or still at the weed house makin' 5's and 10's
miss perfect, god-given
when i was lost, you made my life worth livin'
they say nothing on this earth is perfect
i don't believe it, you never cheated
perfect record, undefeated
i needed a miracle to save my life
when i was hustlin' and grindin' late at night
i paid the price and listened to you bitchin' me
you start bringing up the past, that's history
never again will i jeopardize
that's a promise that i'll memorize
real love never dies
it's paradise, no matter where we at
the movies, the club, six flags, the super track
i was a dropout, no education whatsoever
but you stuck with me through all kinds of fucked up weather
hoping days'll get better like i said they would
they said "stand by your man", and there you stood
i was 17, now i'm 29
and i pray you'll be mine 'til the end of time
- yo ike'
- what's the deal los?
- i know you feel me on this song, baby
- man, for sure, my nigga, i got some for this
- go on, wreck it, homie
man, i'm at that point in my life, i lost my kids and my wife
and i been thinking was shife when i been up at the night
so i be takin' a ride and i be thinkin' inside
and i be wantin' to die cause i be wonderin' why
but now i know it's too late and all i got is my fate
and i be thinkin' real deep about my kids when they sleep
and where the hell i went wrong, and how to hell to stay strong
cause now my babies they gone, and all i got is this song
try to make it all right, but not for them but for ike
and if i have one more night that i can treasure the life
i know i do it all right with just my kids and my wife
one night alone with no fights,carrera lunette, with kim just huggin' me tight
miss perfect

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