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桑给巴尔遭遇历史最高气温 [复制链接]

发表于 2007-3-24 00:54:46 |显示全部楼层
新华网达累斯萨拉姆3月23日电(记者义高潮)坦桑尼亚桑给巴尔群岛近日遭遇39.4摄氏度高温,为该地区有记载以来的最高气温。坦气象专家认为,这与全球变暖有关。     在坦桑尼亚国家气象局23日举办的世界气象日科普活动上,坦气象局预报部主任提巴伊朱卡表示,地处南半球的桑给巴尔盛夏时曾有过37摄氏度左右的高温天气,但是从未有过如此高的气温。他认为,这一地区出现如此高温,应是全球变暖造成的后果。     坦桑尼亚联合共和国位于非洲东部、赤道以南,东濒印度洋。坦桑尼亚由坦噶尼喀(大陆)和桑给巴尔(岛)两部分组成,其中桑给巴尔面积为2657平方公里。

发表于 2007-8-23 14:58:33 |显示全部楼层
这么低 这还是不是非洲

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发表于 2008-4-16 11:34:05 |显示全部楼层
其实坦桑尼亚虽然湿热,但是温度也不是很高,好象达市每天也就30左右的样子.我在阿鲁沙时凉快些,早晚该要穿长衣长裤. 还经常下雨,比达市舒服些.

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发表于 2012-2-22 14:02:20 |显示全部楼层

erinbow - User Profile

i'm a writer, and this is my writer website.  
i write poetry,louboutin pas cher, and have published two books of it.  i'm branching out into children's literature.  i’ve written several picture books ― my favorite is a retelling of sir gawaine and the green knight ― and recently finished my first young adult novel,abercrombie france, plain kate.  the big news around here is that pk has been acquired for six figures by arthur a. levine books/scholastic  
this little site has got writing news, whining about writing,chaussures christian louboutin, notes to myself about writing, stories about the kidlings, and the little glittery bits picked up in reading and walking and sniffing about.  also some cooking and and random geeking out about the time the comment came within two degrees of saturn.  there are pictures of the cat.  you know.  some of it is friends-locked.   there's usually a new haiku on fridays.  
it also gives me a chance to tell you that, according to internet polls, i am a top quark, the third season of buffy, decaf coffee, morpheus, sharon olds,louboutin, blue, the humour saguine, a intp, a geek and a goody-two-shoes.    who are you calling decaf, internet?  thems fighting words!

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