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[供应] 2008巴西国际家具展览会 Movelsul Brasil [复制链接]

发表于 2007-7-20 15:17:20 |显示全部楼层
2008巴西国际家具展览会 Movelsul Brasil
展会时间: 2008-3-24 至 2008-3-28 展会地点: 美洲/巴西 Bento
展览周期: 2年/届 展出行业: 家具
展会规模: 平方米;479 家参展商  展会网址: http://www.showguide.cn

    同期举办第九届南部家具设计大奖赛。 巴西国际家具展(Movelsul Braxil)是从1997年开始的巴西南部家具展销会是一个专业的展销会,将在南大河州贝多·昆萨维斯市的活动中心举行。南大河州是巴西第二大生产家具的大州。除了可以提供极佳的商业机会之外,展销会还注重科技的发展,新原材料的使用和参展产品的造型设计。这些因素使得巴西南部家具展销会在商业交易和产品潮流方面获得成功。

In a globalized scenario, where technology and innovations are available for everyone, the big difference lies on a very efficient and simple idea: union. Only the integration among suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and all the enterprises that are part of the production chain will bring better results. The combination of various kinds of knowledge will be responsible for the growth in the future. Find a world of opportunities. Add results. Take part in Movelsul Brasil.

Movelsul is held in one of the largest exhibition centers in Latin America. The venue boasts a total area of 322,567m2 and an exhibition space in excess of 50,000sqm making it the second largest exhibition center in Brazil, providing excellent infrastructure for participants.

Movelsul Brasil aims at: Promoting the development of the national furniture sector through commercial alliances between industries and their customers, besides working as an encouraging tool for the export, through actions aimed at potential consumer markets of Brazilian furniture. Promoting the national furniture sector, valuing the design within the sector and searching for the growth of importers' participation. Reinforcing the innovation image, showing new products and trends. Bringing the largest number of professionals of the area.

Year by year a diference that everyone sees.

Number of Exhibitors

1977 24
1979 41
1982 61
1984 53
1986 67
1988 108
1990 130
1992 229
1994 216
1996 288
1998 342
2000 417
2002 414
2004 434
2006 479

Participating States

1990 4
1992 6
1994 9
1996 7
1998 9
2000 13
2002 12
2004 14
2006 13

Visiting Countries

1992 19
1994 25
1996 27
1998 23
2000 41
2002 43
2004 50
2006 61

Number of Visitors

1998 27.456
2000 31.469
2002 32.525
2004 33.120
2006 32.500

Constructed Area

50.460 m²

MOVELSUL BRASIL is held in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The city bases its economy mainly on the furniture industry, being considered one of the greatest furniture centers in the country. You can know other special attractions such as the beauties of nature and international awarded wines in addition to the best furniture companies in the country, the furniture technological center SENAI/CETEMO and the specialized furniture course in our university. If you belong to the furniture sector, this is the place to be.



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