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[原创] 大家来介绍下所在非洲国家有哪些中餐馆 [复制链接]

发表于 2010-3-29 03:44:58 |显示全部楼层

发表于 2011-12-14 22:50:43 |显示全部楼层
貌似无意中 坐沙发了  额  不好意思俺也想知道

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-22 14:04:00 |显示全部楼层

Frequently Asked Question #149

journal feed urls,replica oakley sunglasses: your journal's atom and rss feeds are located at the following urls:
community feed urls: your community's atom and rss feeds are located at the following urls, replacing "communityname" with your community:
feed content: feeds display 25 recent entries (excluding entries ): the subject (when present); all, part,chaussures louboutin, or none of the entry text; and a link to the entry. by default, all of the entry text will be present; you can change that by going to the  and using one of the following commands:set synlevel title
set synlevel summary
set synlevel fullto include the title (subject) line only, the beginning of the entry, or all of the entry, respectively. for communities you manage,louboutin en ligne, you should use one of the following commands instead:set for communityname synlevel title
set for communityname synlevel summary
set for communityname synlevel fullreplacing in the command communityname with your community.
tagged entries: view entries with a specific tag by adding ?tag=tagname to the end of the feed url, replacing tagname with the actual tag name. if there are spaces in the tag name,abercrombie and fitch sale, you will need to replace them with "%20". if you want to view two or more tags at once, separate the tags with commas: ?tag=tag1,tag2. if the feed url already contains a question mark, add &tag=tagname instead.
protected entries: protected entries are included only if you  with the request for the feed.
foaf: each journal's  include a foaf file (""). by default, everyone on your friends list is placed in the foaf "knows" section, but you can change this by creating a  called foaf-knows. if you already have an external foaf file, you can put the url into the option tagged "foaf" on the  page.
opml: an opml file for external feed-reading programs containing the rss urls of each account on your friends list is available at .
friends page feeds: paid and permanent users can  for their friends page. livejournal does not offer a built-in rss feed for your friends page.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-5-5 22:18:59 |显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报



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